Viewers are giving a thumbs up to Shivaji Surathkal, which hit theatres on February 21. Ramesh Aravind who plays the lead as investigative officer, is...
Quite often, film fans, especially in cosmopolitan cities like Bengaluru, quiz the Sandalwood movie buff on why their films aren’t marketed and...
Kannada films are going places, and this truly is an example. Sarkari Hi Pra Shaale Kasaragodu, Koduge: Ramanna Rai is releasing in Andaman Islands...
“We consider Durga as the powerful warrior goddess. When the time comes, she can even come to Shiva’s aid who is unable to destroy the...
Malayalam film S Durga is slated to release on April 6, says the director Sanal Kumar Sasidharan.Since the film went through a lot of controversies...